The image features a business woman looking upwards and juggling a laptop, a baby bottle, a mobile phone, a clock and a small house. She's wearing a black jacket and burgundy top. Her hair is curly.

I remember a year-end that was a whirlwind for me. I was a sales leader and I found myself chasing every deal on the table, no matter how low the value, just to hit my quota.

Meanwhile, my son asked for a specific Christmas gift—something that was in high demand and sold out everywhere.

My father-in-law, expected me to cook traditional dishes from his homeland. I was flipping through recipes I had never even heard of, trying to figure out how to bring his favorite dishes to life!

Just when I thought I couldn’t juggle another thing, a key member of my team got sick. It took a major effort to reassign their workload while keeping everyone motivated and on track.

By the time the New Year arrived, I was wrung out.

Today’s episode is born out of both my personal experience and the lessons I’ve learned from the amazing women leaders I’ve coached.  

We’ll discuss the top 10 tips for you to not just survive but actually flourish through the chaotic year-end.

Find the full transcript and other resources for women leaders at:

Strategies Women Leaders Can Use to Balance Obligations as the Year Closes

Going back to my story. I survived that year-end and several after that feeling like I’d been through the wringer. I’ve learned firsthand the importance of approaching this hectic season with intention.

Here are some tips to help you navigate both your professional and personal responsibilities during the last quarter of the year, to ensure you enter the New Year recharged and focused.

  1. Prioritize and Delegate

    If your to-do list is a mile long, it’s time to get strategic. List out your professional and personal projects. Identify which tasks only you can handle and which can be safely delegated. Empower your team members by playing to their strengths, and don’t shy away from outsourcing tasks at home.
  1. Set Boundaries

    With year-end demands and social commitments, it’s tempting to say yes to everything and everyone. But remember, every yes is a no to something else—possibly something more important.

    Assess the true value each event or commitment offers you and don’t hesitate to decline when necessary. Remember the word “no” is a complete sentence. Use it!  
  1. Use Time Blocks

    Segment your day into dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks. This includes time for work commitments, family engagements, and even downtime for yourself. Allocate some time as a buffer for those inevitable, last-minute surprises. These time blocks will become a roadmap for your day.
  1. Simplify Holiday Preparations

    Don’t drive yourself into the ground preparing an elaborate holiday feast. Simplify your holiday plans by incorporating some high-quality store-bought items alongside home-cooked dishes.

    Additionally, consider opting for experience-based gifts or charitable donations in someone’s name instead of physical presents. This strategy maintains the holiday spirit, while also conserving your time and energy.
  1. Maintain Self-Care

    During high-stress periods, it’s more important than ever to look after yourself. Schedule activities like short exercise routines, quick meditative sessions, or even a walk around the block. These breaks can act as mental reset buttons and improve your overall productivity and well-being.
  1. Use Technology

    Numerous apps and software are designed to make your life easier. Whether you need to organize group activities or simplify online shopping there’s a technological solution for everything.
  1. Pre-Plan Next Year

    If you find a quiet moment or find yourself less rushed, use that time to start planning for the coming year. Having a basic outline or vision of your desired objectives for the next year can greatly ease your post-holidays transition.
  1. Reconnect

    End-of-year festivities offer the perfect opportunity to reconnect with long-lost contacts, whether they’re professional connections or personal friends. A simple email or holiday card can go a long way in strengthening your network and fostering a sense of community.
  1. Reflect and Celebrate

    It’s easy to get lost in the chaos and forget about your achievements. Take a moment to reflect on your victories over the past year, no matter how small. Acknowledge your progress and celebrate your accomplishments. It will give you a confidence boost and allow you to enter the new year enthusiastically and with a fresh perspective.
  1. Make Time for Loved Ones

    Never underestimate the power of quality time with those special to you. Don’t wait for these meetings to happen organically. Allocate specific time slots in your busy schedule to spend time with people who genuinely make you happy. These moments will remind you of who is most important in your life.

Women IT Executives Can Take Charge and Choose Thriving Over Surviving

Life doesn’t slow down, especially not for someone as driven as you. Incorporate some of these tips into your end-of-year planning to gracefully handle the load of duties heading your way.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed juggling year-end responsibilities, consider joining me for a 90-minute OWN THE ROOM coaching session—it’s a safe space to support you in developing your own actionable strategies and claiming your peace of mind as the year closes.

Keep in mind that surviving is not the goal — thriving is.

Remember, you’re the solution to claiming what’s important to you!